Journey rather than destination

Tag Archives: overcome

WE are all inspired by different things. Some of us may be inspired by the people. Others it would be by music. Some it may be dance. It could be books. A few years back at a point when I needed it, a friend emailed  me a few songs that were on my heart to share with me.  This was  time when I was at one of my lowest points. I was struggling to overcome. The spasms and the pain was so intense. One of the songs on the playlist was a song called “God Believes In You by Jill Phillips.  It was amazing! I started to listen to this and I broke down crying. When you rise up just to fall again, God believes in you. There were times that I didn’t know if God really believed in me and if He was really there. This song was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment.

Sometimes, we try to overcome and it is too hard to go through. Back to inspiration… what inspires you? Well, I recently came across this video from the song that a youth group performed. What is so inspiring to me is the girl that walks to each person that is struggling with a sign that says “God Believes In You.” She shows others that God believes in YOU no matter what happens to you. Are there people in your life with a sign that is cheering you on that says “God believes in you”? Are you at a point that you can cheer people on with saying “God believes in you”? I want to encourage you to think about if you believe that God believes in you no matter what. I want to encourage you to be like this girl in the video, cheering on others that God does believe in you and He is truly there. Are you helping others to encourage them that God Believes In them no matter where they came from or what they do?

God Believes In YOU

When you start to doubt if you exist
God believes in you
Confounded by the evidence
God believes in you
When your light burns so dim
When your chances seem so slim
And you swear you don’t believe in Him
God believes in you

When you rise up just to fall again
God believes in you
Deserted by your closest friends
God believes in you
When you’re betrayed with a kiss
And you turn your cheek to another fist
It doesn’t have to end like this
God believes in you

Everything matters if anything matters at all
Everything matters no matter how big
No matter how small
God believes in you
Oh God believes in you

When you’re so ashamed that you could die
God believes in you
And you can’t do right even though you try
God believes in you
Blessed are the ones who grieve
The ones who mourn and the ones who bleed
In sorrow you sow but in your you’ll reap
God believes in you
Oh blessed are the ones who grieve
The ones who mourn and the ones who bleed
In sorrow you sow but in you’ll reap
God believes in you
Oh God believes in you